Retail Brand
Brand Awareness
LA + NYC, 2022
National retail brand boosts awareness with multicultural audience
In the diverse metropolises of New York City and Los Angeles, a major national retail brand embarked on a mission to reinforce its standing as an unbeatable yet affordable shopping haven. The overarching objectives of this campaign were threefold: to enhance brand awareness, amplify ad recall, and ignite purchase consideration among a wide-ranging audience. Recognizing the unique blend of cultures and demographics that define the multicultural tapestry of NYC and LA, the brand aimed to establish a deep and lasting connection with its potential customers.
To achieve these ambitious goals, the campaign adopted a holistic and integrated marketing approach. At its core were the LinkNYC digital kiosks, strategically harnessed to create tailored messaging that resonated specifically with Black and Hispanic audiences. This meticulous targeting was underpinned by a comprehensive understanding of these communities’ preferences, lifestyles, and aspirations.
The campaign’s success was not left to chance; it was measured through a series of mobile app surveys among the exposed audience. These surveys served as the compass by which the brand could navigate its journey toward increased awareness and consideration. Through these efforts, the campaign aimed to gain valuable insights into how effectively it had captured the attention and interest of its target demographic. The survey served to shed light on the impact it had on brand perceptions and, ultimately, consumer behavior.
Campaign Objectives
Drive brand awareness
Responses from surveyed respondents
Results & Impact
The campaign was successful in achieving the brand’s objectives, surpassing expectations, with 67% of respondents reporting a more favorable opinion of the brand after exposure. Not only was the brand effective at achieving its goals and meeting KPIs, but the results went one step beyond. The out-of-home (OOH) campaign delivered positive sentiment from viewers on how well the campaign resonated. 91% of respondents expressed their overall approval of the campaign, highlighting its effectiveness in captivating the target audience.
Looking at specifically how the brand was able to connect and resonate with their audience, the creative was the driving force. As the brand worked to speak to the multicultural audience, the diverse representation in the creative resulted in 66% of respondents affirming that the campaign spoke to them personally. Fostering a sense of positive brand sentiment and emotional association with a brand can play a pivotal role in moving customers through the sales funnel, ultimately leading to sales.
OOH was only a piece of a larger integrated campaign effort that included various marketing channels. But OOH emerged as the leader in the campaign mix in increasing overall brand awareness. OOH drove a 24% increase in overall ad awareness compared to social media, mall ads, TV, digital, and radio.
Highlighting the strategic use of OOH as a complement to a diverse channel mix, via an integrated marketing plan, was the strongest way to achieve optimal results.
of respondents indicating their likelihood to consider shopping there
of respondents recalled seeing the brand's ads when prompted
of respondents remembered this specific campaign, surpassing the industry average of 38%
We conducted another round of research in Q4 2021 to measure continual exposed driven lift, and our results showed lift amongst exposed audiences for ad awareness and ad recall was significantly higher compared to Q3 2021 results. 76% of respondents said they had a better opinion of the brand post-campaign.
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